I was dressed. We received a few second-glances, but for the most part I passed without incident. I hardly remember anything about the film being so concerned with not being noticed. So far, that was my boldest adventure.

Then I received notification of the TRI-Sigma convention with a copy of the Femme Mirror. I wanted to go, but felt that lacked the courage to do it. My wife encouraged me to go, as did Carol Beecroft, so Ifollowed my heart and decided that it

was now or never.

Four weeks before the conventio I made my first daytime outing and drove to the lovely seaside resort of Carmel. Behind huge sunglasses and all the moxie I could muster, I spent an hour wandering the peaceful streets. It was an incredible feeling to finally pass, a dream coming true.

The convention was probably one of the most important events of my life. The support provided by my sisters was the key to my continuing emergence. In three days of continuous ex- perience, I gained two important things: the confidence to venture out without fear, and the ability to accept myself for what and who I was. At long last Ihave realized the inner peace that I have sought for all these years. I do not know why I am the way I am, nor do I care; all I know is that I AM this way and I accept myself completely.

Since the convention, Cindy has gone on numerous shop- ping trips which include trying on clothes in the stores. It's really exciting to be treated just like any other lady in the stores. Eat- ing out has also become a regular event; here again, the special treatment is beyond description. Last week a Tv friend and I drove up to Sacramento for a meeting and stayed overnight. Even the people at the motel treated us like ladies.

Just recently started electrolysis to remove my beard. Although it is early in the process, already the results are quite satisfying. I look forward to the day I can retire my razor.

Well, that is the story of Cindy so far. I appreciate the op- portunity to share my story with you. Tri-Sigma and all the sisters out there have played a big part in "The Birth Of Cindy".
